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This product manages the distribution and installation of graphics files to ATMs.  The product has been in production for over a year now at a major bank in the US.
GrafixManager consists of campaign definition components, release management components, and an agent resident on the ATM.  Both upload and download functions are supported as well as sophisticated network management features.  We have integrated the graphics version control with the ATM configuration file contents.  Using Tandem fundamentals, our throughput is relative to the number loaders configured on the system.
GrafixManager establishes the release, manages ATM specific versions, coordinates the distribution, and orchestrates the installation - all with no impact on the customer except the few seconds it takes to inform the ATM software that new graphics are available.
Currently either SNA or TCP/IP protocols are supported.  Connections to the ATM can be configured using the existing ATM transaction network or by using a separate dialup facility.
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